Monday, December 29, 2014

AFRICA: A Playground of the Powerful

     Without the most prominent face and voice of  Africans, Muammar Gaddafi (d. 2011), Africa is now voiceless against the plans of the West and their neo-colonial ambitions.  Through the usage of "humanitarian aid" and "right to protect" (r2p), the West has been expanding its military bases all over Africa.  In regions that have been invested in by BRICS nations and their allies, biological weapons and terrorists have popped up destabilizing whole regions and dispersing whole populations.  The West is now moving into Africa through the military and cementing it's foothold in Africa that was slipping since 2001. 

Africa again, like in the past, is the playground of the powerful.

Remembering Muammar Gaddafi (9:23 mins.)

"Gaddafi actually worked on an African broadcasting network and connected the entire African continent by radio, television and telephone. In the early 90's, Gaddafi funded the establishment of the Regional African Satellite Communication Organization, which eventually provided Africa with its first own communications satellite on December 26, 2007. A second African satellite was launched in July 2010 and advanced plans for a continental broadcasting network were made. Gaddafi funded 70% of this revolutionary project.
Gaddafi thus angered the Western bankers, since Africa no longer would pay the annual $500 million fee to Europe for the use of its satellites, and of course no “self-respecting” banker was willing to fund a project that frees people from their claws. And this was not the only way in which Gaddafi angered the West to the point that he had to be eliminated from their agenda. The leader of the Libyan Al-Fateh Revolution worked hard and came close to embody the famous 1865 quote by American economist Adam Smith, saying: “The economy of any country which relies on the slavery of blacks is destined to descend into hell the day those countries awaken.”  On the eve of the NATO-led war against Libya, Gaddafi’s booming country largely co-funded three projects that would rid Africa from its financial dependence on the West once and for all: the African Investment Bank in the Libyan city of Sirte, the African Monetary Fund (AFM), to be based in the capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, in 2011, and the African Central Bank to be based in the capital of Nigeria, Abuja".

"This gruesome end to Gaddafi's rule has likely confirmed what many must have long been aware -a dictator who wants to hold on to power should also hold onto his nuclear weapons.  Libya once had the materials needed to make nuclear bombs: centrifuges, weapons designs, and fissile material.  Finding their manufacture exceedingly difficult, the country gave up its program in 2003, under strong pressure from the U.S. and its allies. Enticed with an end to heavy sanctions it had endured since the 1980s, improved relations with the West, and a guarantee of security, Gaddafi ended his nuclear quest. Just 8 years later, his position was as far from secure as one could imagine.  The only true security guarantee for a fragile autocracy, one that must fear internal dissent as well as outside aggressors, may be a nuclear arsenal.  Conventional weapons have time and again shown themselves to be unreliable deterrents when state survival is in question. Nuclear weapons have never failed to deter other states -no matter how powerful those states may be. The strong have been able to deter the strong -the United States and Soviet Union did so for decades -but, alas, the weak can also deter the strong. This surely played a large role in why the U.S. was so eager to disarm Gaddafi in 2003. It has been shown to the corners of the earth that Libya's giving up its nuclear arms was used as an invasion tactic to disarm the country by sugarcoating it with words like 'the guaranteeing of security' and the 'bettering of relations. Having one's own strength was the only way to keep peace and avoid invasion."

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